About me and why I like writing so much

My name is Bari Ahmad and I like writing about my thoughts and perceptions in my spare time, talking about anything and everything, as they say.
Already when I was a girl in basic school, I very often captured my thoughts daily by writing them down, even though I did not master the German language all that well yet.
I was fascinated by the German language, a language that to me was not for nothing a well-established language of poets and thinkers. I devoured all books that I could put my hands on and discovered an author's whole world within a book - his words, his thoughts, his worldview and his message.
My horizon broadened every time and I learned about the world of the west and where I came from. I grew up in a 3000-souls village in the middle of Baden in which we were the only family with a migration background. Sounds exciting? It wasn't always.
Everything else about my journey you will learn about in this blog!
I am very happy to be able to share this with you and perhaps I will draw your attention to great books, articles and thoughts.